Tuesday, October 7, 2014


Preparations are underway! It looks like Lilly and Fergus will be arriving on Sunday! Jay and I took a trip to Tractor Supply to stock up on some goat grain, dewormer, salt blocks, and other treats.  Grabbed some rabbit and some chicken food while we were there. Jay finally has some time off from his part time job, so he and I will be starting to clear out where we are putting the goat barn. We were fortunate enough to have our awesome neighbor hook us up with her old goat barn! (She also gave us out chicken coup). I uploaded a few books from amazon onto my iPad. They also accidentally uploaded into Anna 's Kindle. So, she and I have reading up on our goat care. Lastly, we had an "animal clean up" day on Saturday. Anna and Sophie raked and cleared out the new goat pen, while I cleaned out the chicken coup (so gross)! Then" Anna and I tag teamed the bunny hutch. So as you can see, this has been quite the process. As I'm sure that owning goats will be a process and a "learn as you go" experience. We are all very excited and looking forward to this weekend! Until next time...

Monday, September 29, 2014


Welcome to my new blog! I've always wanted to do this and I figured my first day as a new homeowner would be a good place to start! In case you don't know me, I'm a wife to a pretty awesome husband, mom to 4 beautiful kids, a school bus driver, mini farm owner and a hopeful small business owner. Phew! Just typing that makes me tired! My little blog will include stories about my crazy kiddos, my farm (right now we have 2 dogs, a rabbit, 7 chickens) my job, and everything else that makes my life so wonderfully nuts! Later this week we'll be getting a pregnant momma goat and a daddy goat! I'm also just started dabbling in making all natural products from my farm. This will include goat milk, cheese, soaps and other beauty products, eggs, and fruits and veggies in season!im really excited to get started! So, stay tuned for the many adventures at the Bettencourt Mini Farm!